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-Auditory development and auditory memory.

-Development and understanding of the speech apparatus.

-Ability to discriminate sounds and intonation.

-Comprehension and ability to read and write music (music theory).

-Comprehension and motor appreciation for instrumental performance.

-Ability for group integration and teamwork.

-Develop artistic sensitivity and creativity.

To achieve these objectives, the musical activity is divided into four blocks:

Solfeggio, Instrumentation. Singing and motor coordination. Auditory perception and musical appreciation.


Instrumental learning is gradual (rhythm and melody), according to the age and psychomotor capacity of the student.

  • Preschool I and II atonal percussion instruments.

  • Preschool III and First grade: metallophone.

  • Second and third grade: recorder.

  • Fourth, fifth and sixth year of primary school: violin.


All this in the framework of:

Musical practice creates a series of very important emotional and cooperative ties to achieve group interaction.

Singing is an excellent medium for the development of the linguistic capacity of the boy and the girl in its double comprehension-expressive aspect.

The rhythmic activity of the boy and the girl, experienced through quality sound stimuli, favors physiological and motor development, thus  like musical memory.

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